Saturday, November 28, 2009

At- Home color remover?

I am a red head and I died my hair dark brown. I've tried washing my hair w/ dawn soap, using red expressions shampoos, re-dying over it, and I don't have the money to get it professionally stripped. Would At-home color remover be too much of a risk to use?

At- Home color remover?

If you want red hair back, your best bet is to re-dye your hair red. Go to the nearest beauty outlet and invest in mixing dye, creme and a bowl and brush. Also get powder lightener to mix with the creme mixer apply it to your hair. Wash and let dry, or blow dry. And then mix the colour and re-dye your hair red. Stripping your hair can be damaging, I have been there when hair falls out because of WAY too much peroxides and it's not good. The sales associates at the beauty outlet will be able to help you in finding the colour closest to your natural shade. So when your hair grows in you won't be able to see the difference.

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