Friday, November 27, 2009

[[-HELP NEEDED-]] I'm 14 and I have some facial hair above my upper lip but my mom won't l

She says it will get better, and she says she'll never let me shave or pluck or bleach or use hair remover lotion and stuff!

What can I do? It's really embarassing, and getting more noticable than EVER!

[[-HELP NEEDED-]] I'm 14 and I have some facial hair above my upper lip but my mom won't let me do anything!

dont shave cuz it will get worse. try doing some makup by your eyes to draw everyone's attention to your eyes instead of your hairy upper lip. hope this helped.

[[-HELP NEEDED-]] I'm 14 and I have some facial hair above my upper lip but my mom won't let me do anything!

try cut it with scissors or buy a razor

[[-HELP NEEDED-]] I'm 14 and I have some facial hair above my upper lip but my mom won't let me do anything!

If you shave your legs in the shower, I would just use the razor then to get rid of the hair. Who cares what she thinks, it's not her body.

Otherwise, use little cosmetic scissors to cut it off---this will be less noticable and she won't suspect a thing.

[[-HELP NEEDED-]] I'm 14 and I have some facial hair above my upper lip but my mom won't let me do anything!

Well, my mom wouldn't let me shave my legs until I was 14, so when I was around 12 or so I just went over to my grandmas house and did it anyway! If it makes you uncomfortable, just do it. Your mom should understand how embarrassing this is for you as a teenage girl. My daughter is 10 and has really bushy eyebrows that she feels self conscious about, so I wax them or pluck them for her. Better that I do it then her going at it alone and messing them up! If it makes you feel better about yourself, whats the harm?

[[-HELP NEEDED-]] I'm 14 and I have some facial hair above my upper lip but my mom won't let me do anything!

If I were you, I'd fix it no matter what my mother said. Now, don't shave- it'll look horrible when it grows back in and you'll be surprised how quickly that will be. Right now, your hair comes to a tapered point. If you shave it, the hairs will have a blunt tip and much more noticeable. Use some sensitive hair remover or home wax. The hair remover won't hurt. The waxing will hurt- sting quite a bit- but the result is so worth it. You could try tweezing too. Is there anyone you could get on your side who could help you convince your mother so you don't have to do this behind her back?

[[-HELP NEEDED-]] I'm 14 and I have some facial hair above my upper lip but my mom won't let me do anything!

Oh geez, I had this same problem as a kid with my stepmom. I had a unibrow AND a mustache. And I wasn't allow to have long hair! Do not, I repeat DO NOT shave it. It only makes things worse. I know these things! And it doesn't get better, I'm sorry to say. Does she ever let you out of the house with any of your own money? I'm not telling you to disobey your mother. ;) However, if you decided to take matters into your own hands: Bleach is your best bet. Anything that removes the hair will cause it to grow back darker and thicker over time. Good luck and remember you only have 4 more years of this crap to go.

[[-HELP NEEDED-]] I'm 14 and I have some facial hair above my upper lip but my mom won't let me do anything!

Tweeze it secretly. It will not get better on its own. Once hair starts it doesn't just suddenly stop.

[[-HELP NEEDED-]] I'm 14 and I have some facial hair above my upper lip but my mom won't let me do anything!

pluck... that's what I do cuz i have thatt same problem... i pluck... but i'm only 12.

[[-HELP NEEDED-]] I'm 14 and I have some facial hair above my upper lip but my mom won't let me do anything!

use lemon juice, it will help lighten it, also waxing is great for this, I have been doing that for 30 years

[[-HELP NEEDED-]] I'm 14 and I have some facial hair above my upper lip but my mom won't let me do anything!

ok, first of all you pluck a chicken and you tweeze a hair....

go buy some wax and sleepover a friend's house so you won't get caught or bleach it with hair lighteners.

if, as a last resort are absolutly desperate then shave it, but its really bad

or you can just keep bugging your mom until she lets you.

[[-HELP NEEDED-]] I'm 14 and I have some facial hair above my upper lip but my mom won't let me do anything!

WOW, i have kinda that prob, but with eyebrows!!!!

i want to shape my eyebrows, and my mom wont let me.

she also doesnt allow shaving!!!

she doesnt know it, but i do anyway.

im not allowed to wear anything above my ankle, so yea...

but, your mom is right, hair above your upper lip, will go eventually. it just takes time. i know, it happened to me.

[[-HELP NEEDED-]] I'm 14 and I have some facial hair above my upper lip but my mom won't let me do anything!

Don't shave it.

It will grow back thicker, and ALOT darker.

My parents always said this to me, and when I did research, I found out that it wasn't true...

So, I decided to shave some area above my legs ( :-x ) and it grew back wayyyyy darker than before.

And the poster that said 'It's not her body" DOES have a point.

It isn't her body, nor is it mine to make the decisions with.

Do what you please, just don't say we didn't warn you.


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