Or use a hair remover. My concern is -could the chemicals in the product cause irritation/allergies etc to someone so young? I don't think these products were designed for a child and I think waxing would hurt too much. What are your views?
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
I would ask her doctor and also call the manufacturer of the product to ask them.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
do it.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
shave them then.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
yeah, do it. it's okay.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
The hair removal creams come in packages for sensitive skin. Try using those products first to limit irritation.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
A kid that young should stick to shaving.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
9 years old is a bit to young but since she got hairy legs... Why don楹搕 you ask a doctor?
I think it楹搒 better that you buy these products with her.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
i think she's really a bit too young to shave(or wax) her legs.u should reconsider that.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
my sister and I have the same problem, but in the end, it all depends on how sensitive her skin is... Nair might be a good product to use... Veet we started using too... try those out.. but i do agree that waxing would hurt too much
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
Its up to her she is going to try it sooner or later, and it may not be ideal to wax but why not just shave, if thats not on the books then do the hair removal im sure the "chemicals" are fine they wouldnt put any thing harmful in there if older women use it it doesnt matter what your age is.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
I wouldn't let her use chemicals on her skin, but waxing is okay. If she starts waxing now soon her hair folicles will start to become retarded and grow at a slower rate. And seem less visible. Pain is a concern, but she'll get used to it and it won't hurt as much.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
Go to a beauty salon and talk with a pro. Have your daughter present and let her have the final say on what approach you use. But make sure before you do anything that this is what she wants. Does she feel self conscious about it and want to get rid of it? Don't assume anything. Let her tell you. The trust and respect you show will return to you a hundred fold.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
If you're concerned about hair removers, why not just let her shave her legs for now? But waxing doesn't involve chemicals and I think that would be fine--if she doesn't mind the fact that it can hurt a little. But absolutely let her do something--kids can be so cruel and if she has dark hair on her legs, it will be a source of teasing. She shouldn't have to deal with that.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
don't allow her 2 wax but try for some hair removing cream for soft skin. it might be costly but is worth coz it is not painful and is free from allergy.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
I would just let her shave. Don't put chemicals on her until she is older. That stuff can burn the skin of an adult, I can only imagine what it would do to a child's softer skin. You could let her try wax in a small area to see if she can handle it. It only causes pain. If you can afford it, give her the gift of laser hair removal.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
Please allow your child to remove the hair from her legs if she wants. I agree if they need shaved then it's time. Let me tell you why I feel so strongly about this. I grew up in a very strict environment. My parents believed very strong about things like that. I have dark hair and my legs were very hairy. My mom would not allow me to shave and the other kids were terrible. I still have terrible memories about it.
Now I see you revised your question. I agree chemicals irritate.
Waxing is painful but let her just try a small area and if it is too painful then she will tell you.
Does she shave her legs now. Why not suggest that option if you have not already?
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
9 is too young to shave the legs. I think the summer before you start 6th grade is a perfect time for that. She is just gonna have to deal with hairy legs a few more years. Definetley I would not mess with products for removing hair. When she is old enough and if she thinks she can handle waxing. let her go for it. After one pull she will opt out of that, I would have on hand a brand new good razor for women, and some womens shave cream.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
Shave and she will cut herself
Cream and she will burn/irritate her skin
Wax and it hurts a bit but it has to be better than the latter.
I am a beauty Therapist. My youngest client was 10, she got used to the waxing. Let me tell you, it is all in the therapist. Some are good waxers others are bad.
Parents ask me this all the time. They are going to do it anyway so if it is between waxing ans shaving....definately waxing.
If she is only 9 and has dark hairy legs now, imagine how dark, thick and hairy they will be when she has to shave every two days because of the stubble. Waxing will last her up to 6 weeks and the hair will grow back softer and finer.
All the best,
I also wanted to add that laser is the most painful of them all. It feels like hot rubber band snaps in rapid succession on the skin. It also costs around a hundred dollars per session and takes 5 -10 sessions depending on the coarseness of the hair.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
Plz dont shave or wax before her maturity.
Consult your doctor. He will give you proper suggestion.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
I'd say, shave if its absolutely nescesary, but try bleaching it first.
The thing is that most 9 year olds aren't shaving their legs, so by shaving, she could single herself out just as much as having dark hairy legs.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
There is no perfect solution, you must pick the lesser of all evils. First, try and see if she can live with the hair, wearing pants, long socks with shorts when playing sports, etc... to buy time, cause she's so young. Otherwise, I don't recommend shaving, although the safest, because there is no arguing that it only makes your hair grow thicker, and you're caught up in an almost daily chore. I don't trust chemicals, although there has never been a scandal or lawsuit about them. I use Nair sometimes, but I'd hesitate to recommend it to my daughter, who might start using it for life, every month. That leaves waxing. It is painful, but tolerable if done by a clever person, who can get the hair with one snap. I wax. It gives you a break for at least a month (for me, two). I have heard that waxing can provoke or aggravate varicose veins, you might want to ask a doctor about that. It has not happened to me. At some point in her twenties, if she is that hairy, she should do laser removal. I had a sister who did that and is so relieved. She was extremely hairy and with dark hair.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
No, i think rather not. One another safe suggestion is to rub a scrubber on the hairy part regularly, it will be a safe option and it will lessen the hair. I am 15 and i haven't even waxed or shaved or bleached etc. even once. I also had very hairy arms and legs but i started scrubbing since i was 14 and my hair has become much much less.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
don't wax it no matter what. it will only get worse. she seems 2 have some hormone problem. why don't u take her 2 a dermatologist %26amp; c what he will say. but don't try hair removals till u see the doctor.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
If you're waxing them, make sure she tests a little bit above her ankle. If nothing is irritated there, she'll be fine. Waxing lasts longer because it pulls the hair from the root, so that would be the best choice.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
My sister had the same issue. I think you should let her try it. Girls at that age have to deal with enough self esteem issues, so dont make her worry about that. Waxing does hurt. I recommend only waxing up to the kneecap, and wait for the rest for a year or two. Its not necesssary right now. Try shaving if the waxing is too painful. Venus razors are good.
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
shave 'em and follow with a shave minimizing lotion or moisturizer, they really do work. try Keri Shave Minimalizing Moisture Therapy
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
i would let her do it. try waxing a less sensitive part first to see if she is able to handle the pain, and if she is, continue to let her do it. she is growing up and i don't think you would be happy if children would tease her for something that is not necessary. she will shave eventually, why not start early?
My youngers daughter just turned 9 and she has really hairy legs with dark hair.She wants to wax her legs?
she is maybe kinda young but you should ask a doctor for a laser treatment it doesn't hurt or anything..... and it helps.... i dont thing shaving or waxing is good because if she shaves her legs then she can get those ugly cuts... and the hair will grow back quicker and even more dark then she already haves.... and maybe waxing is too much for ... i mean the pain...
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